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Writer: gao-hqgao-hq

“Jingle Bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way~” Christmas is here!!! As we know, Christmas is the season of joy and happiness and it is celebrated every year on December 25th. At the beginning, it was mainly a Christians Festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. But nowadays, Christmas has surpassed the religious boundaries and become a famous celebration around the world that people who are not Christians can also celebrate it to have a festive feeling.

On the 20th of December, Yuan Ze University’s Global Affairs Office cooperated with GSA (Global Students Association – Yuan Ze University) members to organize “A Time to Spread Love”, a memorable international Christmas party at Royal Palace, Zhongli District, Taoyuan City. This event was aimed to give foreign students and exchange students the chance to meet and socialize in relax, informal and enjoyable environment. And above all, it is a break away from the desk and an opportunity for everyone to have fun!

Merry Christmas!!!

(「A Time to Spread Time」聖誕節舞會之大合照/照片由李金發攝影)

【記者 李金發報導】

元智大學全球事務處與元智全球學生聯誼會(GSA, Global Students Association)合作,於12月20日在花田盛事築夢莊園舉辦「A Time to Spread Love」聖誕節舞會,讓境外生暫時卸下忙碌的課業,開心的走入舞池,共同歡慶聖誕。


繼開學以來,元智大學全球事務處從「New Autumn New You Welcome Party」新生迎新會到「A Time to Spread Love」聖誕節舞會,期間也承辦了十來場活動,讓境外生體驗在自己國家所未能體會的經驗與樂趣。其中,全球事務處曾帶境外生走出校園,到數所桃園國中高中進行文化交流,難得能夠親身體驗漢文化,以提升他們聽說的漢語能力,也傳遞了他們自身的文化予臺灣學生。又或者召集境外生一起舉辦國際美食節,讓元智師生能夠在一日之下品嚐到橫跨三大洋七大洲的異國佳餚。

「A Time to Spread Love」這次的聖誕節舞會作爲學期末的壓軸活動,活動安排抽獎、交換禮物、共同跳舞歡慶聖誕等,主辦單位更邀請了元智流行音樂錄音社演出動聽歌曲,爲現場增添美好氣氛。另外,也透過活動促使來自不同國家、學系的境外生,相互交流,爲情誼再度升溫。






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