Established in 1993, the College of Management at Yuan Ze University has gained much prominence and has been long recognized as the best, private management college in Taiwan. In 2010, we made the decision to transform our organizational structure. The result is to build up a Student Oriented Environment. Under the new framework, we replaced majors with departments.
In 2011 and 2012, the College earned the dual AACSB and ACCSB (Accreditation of Chinese Collegiate School of Business) accreditations, respectively. After earning our "dual A" accreditation, the College has extended our presence internationally and has significantly expanded our network of collaborating schools around the world.
The College has developed fresh strategies for recruiting students by acting as a bridge between the industry and the university in order to facilitate collaboration, advance cutting-edge research and equip students with management skills. We are training our students not only to be successful in a variety of fields but to be the next generation of leaders.
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