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YZU warmly welcomed foreign students and exchange students to campus 異國情誼與跨文化交流 元智國際新生歡迎會

Writer: gao-hqgao-hq

Updated: Mar 27, 2022

Yuan Ze University has built a multinational perspective in global education for many years. This 2019 Fall Semester, Yuan Ze University has welcomed new students from more than 50 countries to join the big family. They include students from India, Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, the USA, Russia, and so on. The number of international students enrolling in YZU this semester totaled nearly 10% of the overall number of students at Yuan Ze University.

On the 13th of September, Yuan Ze’s Global Affairs Office has successfully organized the “New Autumn New You Welcome Party”. The main purpose of this event is to give a warm welcome to foreign students and exchange students who are in Taiwan for the first time. In this event, Maureen Seo, as the person in charge of the welcome party, cooperated with GSA (Global Students Association – Yuan Ze University) members to put together fun games and a BBQ session at Yuanyang Valley, Sanxia District, New Taipei City. Other than to help freshmen in building new friendships in Taiwan, this event was also aimed to provide insights on the Taiwanese culture as it is held in conjunction with the Mid Autumn Festival.


【記者 李金發報導】

元智大學全球事務處在開學的第一週後,於9月13日舉辦「New Autumn New You Welcome Party」,帶領初到臺灣的新鮮外籍生及交換生走出校園,來到新北三峽的鴛鴦谷一同跨文化體驗烤肉之樂,歡慶中秋節的同時,安排了一系列破冰遊戲促進學生之間的情誼。




另外,蕭敏敏也和元智全球學生聯誼會(Global Students Association – Yuan Ze University)合作規劃了新生迎新會的一系列活動,其中包括傳橡皮筋、托運乒乓球等各種接力賽類型的團康遊戲,除了以此打破彼此之間的隔閡,也以比賽和獎勵的方式激發學生們好勝的熱情及鼓勵學生們之間的協作。即使當天日陽高照,大家都玩得不亦樂乎,尤其在數小時的自由活動期間,有些學生結伴涉水戲水,另些學生則相聚在溪邊乘涼繼續經營他們之間的情誼。






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